Hello, I’m Molly, a full time creator based in the Scottish Highlands. Subscribers can enjoy weekly posts around the themes of slow living, thriving in a creative career, books & nature. Members get access to ALL my content, including video tea times, slow letters and seasonal book reviews.
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I never predicted that 2025 would be the year I gave up on morning routines.
You see, I’m a planner. I’ve always been a planner. I plan everything, whether that be time-blocking my days or creating detailed itineraries for trips away. I’m not someone who likes surprises and, admittedly, can be a bit of a control freak, so knowing exactly what I’m meant to be doing at any given time makes me feel secure.
My obsession with morning routines began in my late 20’s. I’d watch endless Instagram reels and YouTube videos, trying to figure out what makes the perfect morning and replicate that in my own life.
This means that, for years, my mornings were packed full of healthy habits that the internet told me would change my life. I’d wake up at the same time (usually between 5-6am), exercise, journal, read, get outside, practise mindfulness and consume a high fibre breakfast. All of which I carefully time-blocked in my colour-coordinated schedule. And for a while there, it felt good. Really good.
This routine meant that, even when I was at my busiest (such as trying to grow my creative side hustle whilst working full time), I felt like I was able to look after myself AND meet all my daily goals. I can genuinely say that, without this routine, it’s unlikely that I would be living my dream self-employed life (she say’s writing this from my cosy campervan on a random Monday, after completing my morning stretches in front of the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen – goals).
But this year, things feel different. I feel different. Now that I’m settled in my new life, I no longer feel the urge to maximise my mornings. After trialling many, many different routines and habits over the years, I’ve figured out what works for me. So, instead of routines, I’ve chosen to focus on 3 rituals to simplify my mornings whilst still ensuring I start the day in a healthy mindset.
My three morning rituals
I’m an avid reader. It’s one of my favourite forms of self-care, so it feels right to include this ritual as part of my morning. Reading feels like a slow way to wake up my brain and I love to read non-fiction in the early hours. I find fiction can be a bit overstimulating and harder to put down, but a quick 15-20 minute read of my latest non-fiction book means I’m able to start my day in a peaceful state of mind.
Move my body
I’ve been consistently working out in the morning for around 5 years now. When I first started, it was very much physical goals that I had in mind, but, although I enjoy feeling fit and strong in my body, this has now become a non-negotiable for my mental health. I’m someone who often wakes up with anxiety, but I always feel so much better after I’ve moved my body, whether this be some gentle yoga (mostly at the weekends, following the Boho Beautiful YouTube) or a HIIT workout (currently enjoying using the Grow with Anna app), I find that this movement always helps quieten my over-active brain.
Get outside
Although this is somewhat obligatory being a dog-mum to a hyper border collie, my morning walk is often the highlight of my day. There is nothing as restorative for me than being in nature. Now that we are (very slowly) approaching spring, I love getting out as the sun is rising and listening to the wildlife around me slowly start to wake up. To encourage mindfulness, I usually complete these walks alone and never use headphones, much preferring the warble of a blackbird and the gentle thud of my boots to any music. I always return feeling grounded, and it reminds me that, no matter what happens in the day ahead, nature will always be there when I need it.
Although I tend to complete these activities in the order I’ve written them, this is not set in stone, and I also allow flexibility on duration and shift these rituals with the seasons e.g., I often walk further in the summer whereas I read for longer during dark winter mornings.
I also include other ‘micro-habits’ throughout my morning, that I’ve been doing for years, so they no longer feel like an effort e.g., eating a nourishing breakfast and getting myself and our home ready for the day.
I’ve also been trialling waking up naturally when I’m able, although my body is very hit and miss so this may be something I keep to the weekends for now!
I appreciate that I am immensely privileged to start my mornings this way, but I do encourage you to think of your own ritual/s, no matter how small, that could make you feel that little bit happier in the mornings. Even 5-10 minutes can make all the difference.
Until next week,
Molly xx
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Love this. I have a little ritual for mornings, I read a few chapters of my latest non-fiction book, then do 10 minutes journalling, I usually have a candle lit, or an oil burner with a "woody" oil in it. I also make myself be sure to drink my full bottle of water before I can have coffee. ☺️
One day I will be able to do this from a van parked somewhere beautiful. ☺️
Thank you Molly. I unfortunately have to go out to work 5 days per week (reducing to 4 at last from next week!) However I rise half an hour earlier than needed so I can do yoga (Yoga with Adrienne is my go to...love the addition of her dog Benji 🐕) This routine has become entrenched and totally helps with anxiety, low mood or frustration. I have also taken up listening to audio books when driving to and from work...i find this diverts my mind from unwanted thoughts.
It is good to listen and heed what the mind and body need in the morning as it sets us up for dealing with the day ahead. 😊