A dear friend made me a lap quilt when my life was very hard. ‘Think of it as a hug’, she said. So now whenever I sit for more than 5 mins, I pull the quilt over my lap to encourage me to sit a while longer A wonderful gift that has led to a nurturing habit.

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Oh that is such a thoughtful present! Thank you for sharing :)

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In the morning, I love to light candles and burn some incense as I drink my coffee. I'll either read or write in my journal.

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Aw that sounds so peaceful! :)

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It is! It helps me appreciate my little life more

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Sounds dreamy!

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I love starting my mornings like this.

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Thank you again for this beautiful piece.

I've started a new job after a professional reconversion, and it's the first time in my professionnel life that I've been doing 9 to 5. I have been struggling to keep up with my selfcare, my morning routine or night routine.

Your words are such an important reminder to keep trying, to not let go of what has proven in the past few years to be essential to my well-being, to my mental health but also to my husband and our son as taking care of me is a benefit to all.

The struffle is really but thank you for the gentle reminder as well as inspiration Molly 💜

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience and I'm glad you found value in my writing! :)

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I love this, Molly! Totally with you on finding the beauty and making little moments as lovely as possible - I bought myself a leopard print cup and saucer last week for this very reason! And candles forever everywhere at all times. Thanks so much for the lovely mention too - I'm so glad you enjoyed that piece and that you're a fan of the re-read and re-watch too. Sometimes the nervous system just can't take anything new, right?! Something so soothing about knowing what's going to happen. 🥰

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Thank you for your comment lovely :). Mugs make me very happy too! And yes, I intend to go back and re-read some of my favourite books this year, it just fills my heart with joy :)

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I now need a new coffee mug!

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Wonderful post! I start my day slowly with my dog and cat cuddled on the bed for the first ten minutes of waking. It reminds me of what unconditional love is. Well, at least for my dog. My cat really just wants to be fed! I live in southern Portugal so together we go outside where the sun usually greets us and birds are singing. Then inside for coffee and reading. After that a 40 minute walk on the cliffs. Then I go to work. I’ve intentionally designed my life this way after years of hustle bustle. Even if you only have 10 minutes a cup of tea or coffee without distractions is a good way to center oneself. It’s a practice.

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What a beautiful morning routine, thank you for sharing! :)

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A lovely, cozy post :-) This is the only way I can live my life now because it brings me so much joy! Allowing ourselves to find those moments of joy is so essential and something I think everyone has the right to. Everyday, I carve out moments that both soothe me and light me up, such as, my morning tea ritual at around 10.30am, where I sit down after a morning of chores around the home or gardening and enjoy a nice large cup of herbal tea and my favourite sweet treat. In this time, I'll allow myself to do something enjoyable, like read a book or watch a Youtube video, either cozied up inside or sat outside on my verandah in the sun. It's a little moment of indulgence that I've absolutely romanticized and I love having it to look forward to each day :-)

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Such a lovely ritual! Its so special to have something to look forward to each day :)

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I’ve started to get more into candles and I love putting some soft lighting on with them and reading a book with a tea. So wintery and lovely! In the summer I’ll read in the garden on a blanket, that also feels romantic. The best! x

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I love both of those things too! :)

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Love cozy reading aesthetics!

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Beautiful, beautiful! I wait for your posts every week😁. I guess, I do romanticise my life too. I never knew the correct word! A simple slow life❤️.

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Aw thank you lovely! :)

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Same!! I like thinking of it that way!! May just make doing the laundry a little bit more glamorous!

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Thank you for reminding us that slowing down can be beneficial in so many ways.

Feeling joy, planning ahead and creating a sense of purpose are great for our mental health.

I am reminded of when I lived in the arctic. It was too cold to go outside but my picture window faced the town with a large open expanse between.

Winter days were spent just watching nature. Someday it was clouds, while others it was snow geese or caribou in my backyard.

Watching nature unfold was so peaceful.

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I don’t make any decisions in the morning until I have had a cup of tea … that is my morning ritual .

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I love that! Quite right :)

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Thank you for your delightful post, Molly! Slowing down and romanticing life are possible for all people. Individuals just need to take stock of their lives and find out what is best for them. Have a good one!

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I completely agree Alicia! :)

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One of my favorite books re: this subject is Paola Merrill's The Cottage Fairy Companion: A Cottagecore Guide to Slow Living, Connecting to Nature, and Becoming Enchanted Again.

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This has been on my book list for a while as I love her YouTube channel! :)

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I love this Molly!

Although I am only 23, I have realised that there is more power in slowing down not running towards the unknown. However, slowing down is also more difficult than I think. As I continue to operate in a high pressure environment, I make sure to have my moments of calm amidst the chaos. Recently, I converted a small corner of my room into my ‘zen’ space, where I read, journal, think and soak in the sun. I find myself in that corner so many times during the day, especially when I feel anxious. I truly believe that even if we struggle to slow down, we should nudge ourselves a little each day to just BE, because there is so much beauty in that feeling that most of us are choosing to miss out on.

Sending love and positivity to you!✨

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Such a wonderful mindset and your corner sounds just lovely! Thank you for sharing :)

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This is such an inspiring post 🙏

I think it's also easy to feel the need to transform all aspects of your life at once, feel intimidated and stand still ... For me, I've just 'gone with the flow' and trusted my slow and gentle living to guide me and slowly but surely I've started to implement changes (lots that you have mentioned) ... And everytime I do ... The habits strengthen, and I'm creating a life I choose. Romantiscing life is a wonderful way to enrich slow living. Thank you so much for sharing this with us all 🙏✨

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Thank you Emily! Its so true that the little changes get easier over time and really do make a difference. I'm glad you enjoyed! :)

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Thanks for the great ideas! I do most of these now, but not planned and mindful. I love the idea of one sentence a day in my journal.

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I'm glad you enjoyed! :)

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Looking forward to reading your book rexommendation!! And best of luck picking back up with your creative hobbies! I would love to see some of your work!

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Aw thank you! I'd love to share some more about this soon! :)

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Yes!! Creativity from others is so intriguing to me. It motivates me and absolutely amazes me at how creative so many people are.

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My morning starts by asking my body what medicinal tea, many grown or harvested and dried myself, it needs / wants this morning. I do this outside my front door no matter how cold, after I have thanked Mother Nature for its existence. I then head back to sit in my bed, cozied in blankets of love with my tea and journal in hand. I write for an hour or more ever morning. This, i realize after ready your article Molly, on romanticizing life.... is my Happy Hour!

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