I decided to write a seasonal letter to my friends, so far I have done Spring and Summer I print it out and send it as it is too long for short hand. The lovely thing is that my mum in law keeps and re reads which is special. I am also doing a seasonal common place book which involves some writing yet it isn't personal which is nice. I look for poems and small saying from classic literature, it is amazing how much there is that is tied in with the seasons! Thank you for inspiring us to write Molly and I agree you do need to write something you like!

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This is such a beautiful idea Caroline! I'd love to write more letters so may have to borrow this idea :)

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Thank you, you are welcome!

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I love the idea of a seasonal letter! That sounds like such a fun project to appreciate each season.

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Thanks Elizabeth!

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Love these tips, so simple but meaningful For me, identifying as a writer has been key-- I've struggled to embrace that identity out of inferiority and insecurities about my skills and education. Reminding myself that I am a writer helps me unleash what's inside.

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Its so true Brittany, that imposter syndrome can creep up on us all, but its so empowering to stand behind your work - as well you should! :)

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I loved this. such simple things. but i really appreciated the framing of falling in love with the craft and process Making the space for it.

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I'm so glad you enjoyed, that was my aim! :)

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I love this! It's a beautifully wrapped gift of ideas and inspiration. I’m saving it to dig in deeper this week as I have been needing this particular brand of gentle recentering. ♥️

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Aw I'm so glad you found this useful Nicole! :)

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Molly Ella

This post is good timing for me! I posted my first Substack yesterday about creativity and how I am using writing as an outlet. One of the things I do is set aside an hour 3-4 times a week to write. This removes some of the pressure that can exist because I feel like technically one is never "done" writing. I can focus on writing for an hour at a time, and then if I want to or am able to do more I can!

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Aw congrats Elizabeth! What a lovely milestone and a really healthy mindset. Good for you! :)

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I love this! Thank you so much for sharing. 😊❤️ These are really great tips. I have one particular writing nook that I love, which is in our little conservatory. My husband and I live with his parents, which we are incredibly thankful for, but it does mean that it can get quite cramped with 4 adults living under one roof! 😅 Upstairs we have a little office room (which we are currently decorating), but as we both work from home, space is a bit limited in that room as we only have one desk. I especially love sitting and writing in the conservatory, as I can look out at the nature around. We only have a little garden, but behind the fence are some big trees, so we gets lots of birds and squirrels come to visit! 🥰

This is also such a great reminder to think back to those little moments why I love to write, and why I started in the first place. I can definitely relate to this: "My roughest patches with writing have arisen when I’ve felt like I’m doing it out of obligation. I’m writing what I feel I should, rather than what I want. It easy to forget why I started in the first place." Thank you. 😊❤️

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Thank you so much for your comment Clementine, your writing book sounds just lovely! :)

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These are simple but powerful ways to nurture writing! Thank you thank you! But most of all thank you for introducing me to Olivia Wilde!! I have been looking for just this kind of music for my writing times 🥰

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Aw I love her account! And I'm so glad you enjoyed :)

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Your love and joy of writing come clearly through. I found writing late in life. Your advice "write for yourself first" is a super good one. Celebrations I like. Rituals I haven't tried yet. I wonder how they might change the experience.

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Aw I'm so glad! Thank you for sharing lovely :)

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I loved all of these suggestions Molly! I think I might go on an artist’s date this weekend… I have day-long childcare for the first time in a while so have the flexibility to take myself out somewhere lovely 🥰

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Oh how exciting! :)

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