Mar 18Liked by Molly Ella

this is the most convincing 'leave social media' piece i have read.

gosh it's a thing i need to do,

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I left social media last July. It started as an experiment to see if I could do it for a month and then three months and then I found I had little interest in going back. I agree with everything you say but the thing that surprises me the most is that I want to buy things less. The thing is I didn’t think I was the sort of person that was influenced by advertising but I now realise how those sponsored posts were getting to me and making me spend too much or lust over things I couldn’t afford. Now I just don’t see them and it’s amazing how quickly that feeling goes.

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I have to find a fine balance, I find social media is a great platform for selling my art, and thus making a living. However, I don't have to be obsessed by it. I kind of envy your ability to leave totally. Way to go for leading the way.

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I stopped positing on FB in July of 2021, and my life is better for it. I never got into Instagram, Twitter, or Tik Toc. I write more and that’s a good thing.

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Hello Molly, thank you for being so real. I could totally relate again! 😁. People around me always question the reason I am not in any WhatsApp groups, or why I don't receive phone calls immediately. Just unnecessary noise which I don't need, my peace matters to me. You know, I just recently understood that I get overwhelmed easily, an hsp, an introvert. I love my home which is my safety net. I now do not go out of my way to make someone else comfortable and myself uncomfortable. Coming home to myself❤️

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I dislike social media platforms and removed them from my phone. The only online platform I'm building is LinkedIn and it's stressfull enough. I take weekends off.

I wish one day, I was brave enough to quit them all. :)

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Mar 18Liked by Molly Ella

Thank you for being so honest Molly! It's so refreshing to see people's accounts of what their life is like outside of social media – I think for so many of us it feels like a difficult step to take. I've massively reduced my social media over the past few years and I hope that, soon, I will be off it entirely 😊 I hope more people follow suit!

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Mar 18Liked by Molly Ella

Hello Molly, I don't have social media by choice. Never had Instagram or tiktok. It is true that you are not constantly bombed with everything, if I am interested in something I go and search on the internet but it doesn't overwhelm me or lead me to think that I am missing out on something. I live the life I want to live and I am happy with that! 🌈 I read a lot of books too because I use my time for that or stay out with my son and my partner or family. The world needs more real life and genuine relationships 💞

Thank you for sharing Molly, have a lovely week 🪻

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Mar 18Liked by Molly Ella

This is such a good article, Molly. You have made a lot of us think twice about how we use social media. I envy your ability to walk away from it. In my case, I use social media to stay in touch with family and friends across the world as I live a long way from where I was born and raised. I am therefore reluctant to delete it entirely. I do however struggle with various family members sharing so much of their children’s lives on social media. It feels like an invasion of the child’s privacy, especially when settings are not private. I sometimes long for the days of the landline being the only form of communication. Most days I feel like a slave to my phone!

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I love all of this utterly.

I use Youtube and Substack and very limited use of Instagram and WhatsApp (to send occasional photos).

Two friends recently said of me (independently) that I only text them to arrange a meet-up and I never message in between. I was startled by this - is this what people do? Apparently lots of people message loads between meeting up with friends. I was floored by this as it never occurred to me to do so 😆 I clearly had never seen the point!

These two friends both said that it was actually really nice because when they see me there's lots to talk about and catch-up on and one even said it makes her feel like her life is interesting because she has lots to say.

My parents also don't have the Internet in their house, my Dad keeps his MOBILE phone in a cupboard and checks it a few times a week and my OH has no social media accounts whatsoever. I think I have it easier in terms of not using it much because of these things. I'm also 44 and lived half my life without even using the Internet let alone a smart phone.

I understand that limited or no use is not for everyone as there are people in situations where social media is an absolute lifeline and it wouldn't be appropriate for them to stop using it, or even to limit their use, BUT this isn't my situation, nor that of anyone in my immediate circle, so I'll probably just carry on as I am...!

Thanks so much for this post, it's one to save and re-read.

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This made me delete all social media off my phone yesterday after I read it. Today I went on a morning hike with my dog, I pet my cat for thirty minutes in silence, and now I’m sitting in my car looking at sunlight listening to the spring birds sing. It’s helped me slow down a lot.

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Oh wow, this sang to my heart so much. I am so happy for you, for how you have been feeling since you left social media.

As one of the comments on here says, 'this is the most convincing leave social media piece I have read'. It was the push I needed to delete the IG app from my phone (for the rest of March, to start with, and then let's see where it goes...).

I noticed myself recently drifting away from some of my core principles (mostly a more minimal, more sustainable way of living), and I am sure that social media and pressure from the outside world had something to do with this. It's strange, because often these things can also help me to stay true to my values - but not at the moment.

Wishing you all the best from my newly (mostly!) social media free world :)

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There are days, I wish this was me.

To be able to turn if off. I get frustrated with technology sometimes, but I need FB to stay in touch with overseas friends. I don't do Tik-Tok or You Tube. I have IG but I rarely use it.

I love being by myself but I also like the "companionship" of the online communities.

Trying to figure out the balance between the two is the key.

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Mar 18Liked by Molly Ella

Thanks for sharing - these points are definately food for thought. I only really look at instagram - and that's for interiors/floral ideas - but being honest have definately also been influenced to spend more because of the ads and promotions that come up. I like your idea of only tackling msgs between set times. I think I'll apply that to my instagram checking! In complete agreement re tik tok/shorts etc being grating. Unbelievably - to me a least - I was in the waiting room last week for a hospital appt and the guy two chairs away started playing a tik tok video, on loud. I get sensory overloaded by that kind of noise and after feeling like someone was grating my brain for 5 minutes I thought "no, it's not ok. I'm going to politely say something" and I did. I explained that I have problems with my ears and that's part of why I was at the hospital so would he mind using earphones? He took it ok (could have been touch and go!) but also a little like a nine year old being put in line :)) Maybe that explains why it happened too... I normally wouldn't be so bold, but I just felt so strongly about the thoughtlessness. I've seen people do this in restaurants too - flood the room with their video noise. I'm hoping that feedback/requests to turn loud videos off in public will help a few other souls with their sanity too. It could be wishful thinking!

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Mar 18Liked by Molly Ella

I find myself very often thinking how great will feel not having social media. I also find myself in the reality of leaving abroad and social media helps me have a glimpse of friends and family at home, or how important social media become to search for jobs, events, conferences, etc.

I don't know if I am ready to give up completely but I really consider the option to reduce my use to the minimum.

One of the things I enjoy the most now that I making an Instagram fasting is to consously enjoy places and situations that in a different time I would have been with the phone in my hand.

I loved reading your experience. Definitely something I want for myself at some point.

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Mar 18Liked by Molly Ella

Loved this! As someone who is really trying to cut back on social media (specifically Instagram) this really resonated with me. Some define food for thought!

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