I ought to revise my strategy of (1) anxiously tripping over a dozen ideas until (2) I become obsessed with one that (3) I senselessly overdo before (4) letting it out into the wild for (5) no one to read.

Thanks for sharing, Molly!

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Love this. Thank you so much for sharing. More please! I have started giving myself self-designated writing retreats. Or simply, writing days. I imagine others do this as well. I'm curious how you might craft your writing retreats or writing days? Thank you.

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"Write what you know."

-Marl Twain

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Yes! So true and helpful

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Thank you so much. More of the same please. 🙏

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Thanks Mollyforposting this, love your part of the country but abit long in the tooth tovisit anymore, but look forward to hearing stories about your area hopefully, Keith

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Thank you, Molly! So much goodness here 💛

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Ooooh thank you for this Molly. Some excellent tips that I definitely want to return to! Thanks for this generous share

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Thank you Molly! A very helpful and timely read! ☺️ Would love more content like this. ☺️

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Thank you for the feedback Sarah!

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Really inspiring and full of some great ideas. I started my Substack a little while ago and have only done one post so far but really do want to create something consistent, so I find these sort of posts a great insight to how it can be done. Thanks Molly!

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Thanks Georgina! I'm glad you found it useful :)

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As others have said, I’m saving this little treasure trove of nuggets for future inspiration. Thank you so much for this gift!

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Thank you for sharing these <3 Also love that you're off of social media. I've done detoxes from time to time, and they are always so refreshing, but then I come back and quickly am in the same cycle. Perhaps it's time to make it permanent...

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This was a great post! I suffer from writers block constantly and will go days or months between writing spells. These are excellent ideas that I’m going to try out. I would love to read more content from you about writing.

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Thank you for your feedback! :)

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I loved this Molly, thank you! I took a week off in March and came back with my creativity revived. I’ll be trying some of these ideas - I’m especially intrigued by Notion as I have seen so many people use it!

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I'm so glad you found this useful! And yes, Notion is a gamechanger! :)

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I’m enjoying your writing, Molly. This is a great post. I wrote morning pages and went on artist’s dates many years ago while reading “The Artist’s Way.” Julia Cameron also published “The Right to Write” (1998) which, for me, applied to my attempts at visual art as much as it did to writing. It remains one of my favorite books.

Cameron is a wonderful coach and the inspiration for getting unstuck resonates across art disciplines.

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Great post, thank you! I’d love to hear your thoughts on how to find a niche. I’ve wanted to start a Substack for awhile now but struggle to know what my ‘niche’ or overarching newsletter theme would be, and it’s been holding me back.

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I totally get that! My advice is always to start broader then narrow down (when you know what you enjoy writing/what resonates with others). Also another way to think about it is to imagine your ideal audience (e.g., rough age, location, interests etc) and then tailor your writing to what they would enjoy. Its a bit more flexible. I hope that helps!

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Thank you!! Very helpful 😊

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